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The Catholic Church

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Because the Catholic religion, can we say   that it is the true one?

Because it is the only religion founded by God himself. So simple and easy. All other religions, monotheistic and polytheistic, Christian and non-Christian, before and after Christ, have been founded by men, not by God.

There are good and sincere people in all religions, but good intentions cannot change the Truth. Only in one is the truth. In the rest  there are partial truths, as well as many errors, especially in some... but the fullness of  the Truth  complete5 , is in the Catholic religion. Furthermore, the Truth is only one and what is contrary to the Truth is not Truth.

Does this mean that only Catholics  will be saved? No, God  is always good and is not the one who punishes, it will be our conscience, who will accuse or defend us of going to paradise or hell, according to our works done _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_for love of neighbor, that's why non-Catholic brother, some advice.

Do not offend Priests by calling them something of the Devil, calling the Virgin the Pagan Goddess, who was not a Virgin, who is not our Mother, calling the Pope the Antichrist, Brother, if you are observant, we Catholics do not care to offend or raise false testimonies to those who do not believe like us, better  dedicate to doing good and not evil, and not have hatred, resentment or envy in our conscience  against anyone, Because close or not close is the day that we will present ourselves before Christ and we will give an account of our words, deeds and actions, whether they were done out of love or not.

These topics are  studied under the  apologetics, (it is a science or branch of the same theology) to explain the doctrinal error and this is for both the _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_católicos, as for non-catholics,

(those who are not ready)

Let us remember that to teach the one who does not know and to correct the one who errs is to do a work of mercy  very great, everything good or bad that we do to our neighbor, we do it to ourselves _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_God.

What you did to the smallest of my brothers,  you did to me  Mt 25,40

The phenomenon of division is as old  as man himself, let's look at Abel and Cain, division occurs, out of selfishness, envy to such a degree that

It goes as far as killing the brother. 

In the time of the apostles some groups followed Paul, others Peter, others Apollo, others Christ, this  says in 1 Cor 1, 12-13   each who is proclaiming I am from Paul, I am from Apollo, I am from Peter, I am from Christ, perhaps Christ is divided? ignorance, error and division,

It is a symptom of sin, of man's blindness,

Saint Paul speaks to you who stopped being a Catholic, Brothers: I am very surprised that you have so easily abandoned God the Father, who

He called them to live in the grace of Christ, and that they follow another Gospel.
It is not that there is another Gospel; what happens is that there are some who disturb you, trying to change the Gospel of Christ. But, be aware of this: if someone, myself or an angel sent from heaven, preached to you a Gospel other than the one we have preached to you, let him be cursed. I just told you, but I repeat it: if someone preaches a different Gospel to you than the one you have received, 

let it be cursed Gal 1.6-12

We Catholics  if we can say that our founder is Christ…It was in Antioquia where the disciples of Jesus were called for the first time  (Christians) this was to . three years of

 the death of Christ Acts  11,19-26

He said it, I am with you every day until this ends

(Jesus Christ did not say this to everyone, but to his  apostles, now the priests, (his church).

Did Jesus know that his apostles were going   to die? Of course, if we must understand here that there were going to be successors, if you review the universal history (of your children's school) you will read that Pedro was

the first pope,   until today, there are 267.

 I assure you that you will not find Mormons, evangelicals, any of their branches, light of the world, Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc. in universal history. etc. If you belong to any of these congregations  the one that is called your church, this comes from the reform  protestant of Martin Luther that was in 1517, _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_And that is why you are a Lutheran,  not a Christian.

Remember what is said in John 15.4   the branch that separates from the trunk will not produce fruit and the trunk  is the Catholic Church _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_porque es la única  que llega hasta  Jesús y  los apóstoles,   cuantas divisiones de is there faith now? thousands have you reported how many have disappeared? And how many continuously arise?

Do you think that the division  comes or wants it  God?  NO.

May all be one as your father is in me and I in you  Jn 17,21

Non-Catholics say:  we accept Jesus Christ as our savior, and Lord, but we reject his Church, the authorities, the pope, the priests, his doctrine, Maria no  esour mother, nor the  sacraments instituted by Jesus Christ   through his church and as a means of Salvation   (only baptism we accept), as they can be called   Christians to the  people who have these ideologies.?

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